Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Wherefore's and Why-Not's.

The Percolated Self shall be
a window to the world I see,
a guard against monotony
and haven to weak poetry.

But in all seriousness, why The Percolated Self? Well, I like the word 'percolated' for one thing. 3 different vowel sounds in one word makes for a charming cadence. Moreover, there's something in the idea of who we are being slowly filtered through one's experiences to produce an altogether more potent idea of oneself that resonates with me. A gradual and time-consuming process, yet one yielding enlivening results.
Which I guess means this blog is intended to contain expressions (or should that be 'espress-ions'? No, it truly shouldn't!) of who I am based on my experience of the world around me.
Oh yes... It's one of THOSE blogs where someone writes with no actual purpose but self-fulfillment.
Contained herein may be anything that takes my fancy; be it observations wryly written in my own idiom, poetry I summon up from my long-shrivelled muse, thoughts and impressions evoked by music or other folks' poetry/fiction, maybe even films. I am an authority in precisely none of these fields and while you may find my wittering witticisms interesting to read, I wouldn't make this page a reference point on anything other than my perspective on all things, which I can't imagine will be much use to anyone.
That being said I hope I settle into a rhythm that allows me to transcend my meagre significance and approach the universal by writing semi-regularly something worth checking out every now and again, but then I've hoped that for some time and in my advancing years I've become somewhat reticent to expect much from myself. Self-examination such as the previous sentence shall be avoided as a rule, for who could glean anything of worth from such self-centred navel-gazing? Nevertheless, I am a beast engorged on self-importance, such as are all men, and even, at times, solipsism - so I wouldn't rule it out altogether.

I wonder how many blogs are written and updated daily without a single reader. Just a blogger feverishly tapping away her evenings, sending inanities (or sparkling gems - who knows?) into the electronic ether, hoping like a child releasing a balloon into a blue sky that someone somehere will find it and it will mean something to them.
Something tells me that such bloggers (a significant percentage I'd imagine) represent the vast entropy of this modern age, and most especially this otherWorld of the internet.
So why contribute to this burgeoning entropy? Interestingly, it seems the only way to answer that question is to write and see if it was worthwhile after the deed... So here goes.

Not an auspicious start, I fear. And yet, any beginning at this stage is worth something. We'll let it percolate awhile before condemning it altogether...

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